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Dear Readers,

Historians tell us to learn from our past; our mistakes, triumphs, war, and peace.  A notion echoed in the ubiquotous quote originally attributed to George Santayana, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”  The same can be said of grants.  

Most grants come about on an annual cycle, with similar deadlines, award amounts, and eligibility.  This essentially leaves applicants with a never ending cycle of funding opportunities.  To learn from your peers, grant experts, and your own previous shortcomings is to treat your grant funding applications as a sort of history.

As we ring in 2016, it’s time to take a step back and remember the past few years.  What grant opportunities were available?  Why were you awarded funding?  Why weren’t you awarded funding?  Understanding and analyzing your past grant applications and opportunities will allow you to produce better, more successful grant proposals for 2016.

We begin this issue with Elizabeth Evan’s May 2014 in depth dissection of Title III and Title V Institutes of Higher Education.  She discusses, not only the distrinctions between the two, but also the steps to apply for funding as a Title III or Title V institution.

Next is Dan Casion’s September 2015 breakdown of pass-through grant opportunities.  Pass-through opportunities are distinct in that they “pass-through” your state or regional government rather than coming directly from the federal government.  Dan takes us through this process as well as points of contact for starting the pass-through process.

Finally, Chris LaPage’s November 2013 article discusses how the healthcare industry is changing with the advent of new technology finally trickling into the field.  Navigating the health industry can be challenging even for those entrenched in it, making Chris’s article all the more relevant.

Kirsten Sleeman
Editor, FUNDED