How Grant Funding is Responding to the Healthcare Worker Shortage by diversifying the workforce
How Grant Funding is Responding to the Healthcare Worker Shortage by diversifying the workforce

In the area of diversifying healthcare workforce development, many multi-pronged grant funding opportunities have been developed. The Department of Health and Human Services is leading the way. Many federal and private foundation opportunities explicitly fund programs to increase a workforce that is diverse and inclusive. In addition to those, many more opportunities include diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) as a funding priority, a focus area, or given special consideration when making award decisions. These programs are just a small fraction of a grants landscape that has identified our healthcare workforce inclusivity as a top funding priority. 

Grants for Women in Business: Empowering Entrepreneurs in Latin America
Grants for Women in Business: Empowering Entrepreneurs in Latin America

Latin America is witnessing a rise in women's entrepreneurship as more women become more independent by taking the reins of their destinies and venturing into the business world. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Report for Latin America and the Caribbean, the average women's entrepreneurship rate in the region was 27.9%. Despite facing unique challenges, such as gender biases, women in Latin America are breaking barriers and transforming industries. Women entrepreneurs in Latin America are involved in several types of businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups, and social enterprises. They are active in diverse sectors such as retail, services, education, healthcare, technology, and agriculture. 

Creating Connections: A Brief Guide to Establishing Meaningful Relationships with Foundations for Nonprofit Funding
Creating Connections: A Brief Guide to Establishing Meaningful Relationships with Foundations for Nonprofit Funding

In the world of nonprofit organizations, securing funding is often a crucial part of conducting the mission and initiative of supporting communities. While there are various avenues for fundraising, building strong relationships with foundations is a vital component of the grantseeking process. Foundations exist to support social causes, and establishing meaningful connections with them can lead to successful long-term partnerships. If your organization is new to foundation grants, you may be wondering where to start. Here are a few tips to create lasting and meaningful partnerships with foundations, thus enabling your organization to flourish.

Healthcare Workforce Shortages and the Role of Grants Funding
Healthcare Workforce Shortages and the Role of Grants Funding

Following years of challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States continues to see workforce shortages across the healthcare services industry. This trend was anticipated prior to 2020, however, the pandemic accelerated the rate at which physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals have left and continue to leave the field. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the United States is projected to face a workforce shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects nearly 195,400 nursing positions will be vacant and openings for home health aides and other personal health aide workers will increase by 37% by the year 2028. 

Data in Education: How it is used and how it can be helpful in Grantseeking
Data in Education: How it is used and how it can be helpful in Grantseeking

Data serves as a powerful lens through which educators and administrators gain insights into student performance, learning patterns, and overall educational effectiveness. From traditional classrooms to online platforms, institutions are increasingly relying on data to make informed decisions on how to enhance curriculum and provide targeted learning experiences for students. Data can be collected in many ways such as surveys, assessment scores, focus groups, and more depending on the type of project being implemented. In this article, I will be exploring the multifaceted role of data in education and dive into how educational institutions can harness this powerful tool for successful grant seeking.

Thinking About Using AI for Grant Writing? Read This First!
Thinking About Using AI for Grant Writing? Read This First!

Ethical considerations around plagiarism and intellectual copywrite aside, if you are considering outsourcing your grant writing efforts to AI, we suggest caution. There are limits to what even the most innovative AI tool can produce on your behalf. However, to appreciate the need for this advice, it may help to first understand how text generative AI tools work.

Working Well with Others: Grantseeking as a Team
Working Well with Others: Grantseeking as a Team

For those new to the world of grantseeking, the amount of information available can be daunting. Between the complexity of various applications, the numerous types of funders and types of projects that you can apply for, and the announcements of funding opportunities spread out among thousands of departments and their unique websites among all levels of government, individuals seeking grant funding can become overwhelmed. It can be a Herculean effort to manage all aspects of the grant application process, and if it can be avoided, it is one that should not be a one-person show. While there are many examples of individuals seeking grants, writing and submitting the application themselves, and being awarded funding, it is always better to apply for grant funding as a team. One of the best things you can do when starting your grantseeking journey is to build a team that will work together to achieve your funding goals.

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Broadband-Related Funding: Where are We Now and Where are We Going?
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Broadband-Related Funding: Where are We Now and Where are We Going?

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), is historic legislation providing substantial amounts of funding towards a variety of infrastructure projects. Much of this funding goes to areas like transportation and clean energy, as well as training in emerging infrastructure-related fields, however, $65 billion is going to broadband programs.

This funding was provided to the Department of Commerce and is being managed by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). It has been 2.5 years since the enactment of the IIJA legislation so it is important to review where we are in the process of implementing these broadband-related initiatives and what next steps your organization should consider. In the following sections, we will cover the basics of the four relevant umbrella programs and their current status, from most to least implemented.

Safe Streets and Roads for All: What Has Been Funded and What to Expect in 2024
Safe Streets and Roads for All: What Has Been Funded and What to Expect in 2024

Among the major initiatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Roadway Safey Strategy to eliminate roadway deaths continues to be Safe Streets and Roads for All. So far, $1.7 billion has been allocated to communities in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. There remains $2.3 billion as the DOT gears up for another round of funding with the application window expected to open in February.

Not every grant opportunity is as straight forward as Safe Streets and Roads for All with the sole purpose to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. Applicants can apply for two types of grants: planning and demonstration or implementation grants.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: State and Digital Equity Grant Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: State and Digital Equity Grant Program

The purpose of the State Digital Equity Grant Program is to promote the achievement of digital equity, support digital inclusion activities, and build capacity for efforts by States relating to the adoption of broadband by residents of those States. Subgrants will be made in support of the State's Digital Equity Plan and digital inclusion activities in the State generally.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Safe Street and Roads for All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Safe Street and Roads for All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program

The purpose of SS4A grants is to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and refinement and implementation focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal conveyance and micromobility users, and commercial vehicle operators. The program provides funding to develop the tools to help strengthen a community’s approach to roadway safety and save lives and is designed to meet the needs of diverse local, Tribal, and regional communities that differ dramatically in size, location, and experience administering Federal funding. The SS4A program provides funding for two types of grants: Planning and Demonstration Grants and Implementation Grants:

  • Planning and Demonstration Grants: Planning and Demonstration Grants are used to develop, complete, or supplement a comprehensive safety action plan, as well as carry out demonstration activities that inform an Action Plan.
  • Implementation Grants: Implementation Grants are used to implement strategies or projects that are consistent with an existing Action Plan and may also bundle funding requests for supplemental planning and demonstration activities that inform an Action Plan
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus

The Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus Program (Campus Program) encourages institutions of higher education to develop and strengthen effective security and investigation strategies to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking on campus, develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving such crimes on campus, and develop and strengthen prevention education and awareness programs.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT (Canada): Tourism Growth Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT (Canada): Tourism Growth Program

The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) is a key element of the new Federal Tourism Growth
Strategy, which builds on Canada’s inherent strengths and unique qualities while using a whole-of-government approach to realize the full potential of the tourism industry. The program will support Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, small and medium-sized businesses
and not-for-profit organizations in developing local, community-level tourism products and
experiences to help more domestic and international visitors discover all that Canada has to
offer. The TGP will fund projects that provide added value to existing activities in the tourism
industry and focus on business and economic growth. Indigenous tourism is a priority under
the TGP, and approximately 15% of TGP funding will support Indigenous-led tourism initiatives.

Tourism Growth Program – Driving economic, environmental, and cultural sustainability (Canada)
Tourism Growth Program – Driving economic, environmental, and cultural sustainability (Canada)

To attract visitors and see the number of tourists increase to pre-COVID levels, the Canadian government has decided to act. One of the initiatives implemented is the Tourism Growth Program. This ambitious program aims to boost the dynamism of the country’s tourism sector and launch its potential as a key driver of economic prosperity and job creation. Canada’s regional development agencies[1] will deliver this program as they have the mandate to promote regional economic development across all regions of Canada.



Green Shipping Corridors Program: Navigating towards sustainability (Canada)
Green Shipping Corridors Program: Navigating towards sustainability (Canada)

At a time when environmental awareness and sustainable practices are at the forefront, and as Canada strives to meet its greenhouse gas reduction target outlined in the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan[1], the Government of Canada has embarked on a revolutionary journey towards a greener, more sustainable maritime future. The Green Shipping Corridor Program[2], from Transport Canada, aims to revolutionize the country's marine industry. The Fund reflects a commitment to reduce the environmental footprint of marine transportation while promoting economic growth.

Cybersecurity Funding from the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA): Where are we now?
Cybersecurity Funding from the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA): Where are we now?

On November 6, 2021, the U.S. Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The IIJA is sometimes referred to as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal” because it was supported by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress. A total of $1.2 trillion in funding was made available for nearly 400 new and existing programs. This legislation supports various infrastructure-related programs and projects like transportation, clean water, broadband, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure, among other initiatives. Included in the IIJA are grants aimed at improving the cybersecurity posture of state, local, and tribal governments.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title Funding Reimagined
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title Funding Reimagined

The federal government plays a crucial role in supporting elementary and secondary education in the United States through various funding programs. The largest source of federal education programs is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. ESSA provides two types of funding- formula and competitive. Formula funds are administered annually by State Education Agencies (SEA) to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) based on a unique Title formula. Title formula funding is meant to supplement state funding and help close the achievement gap for disadvantaged students.

Among all of the title programs that are housed within the ESSA, this article will focus on Title I Part A, Title II Part A, and Title IV Part A, as these programs are significant sources of financial assistance for elementary and secondary schools. Each of these titles serves a distinct purpose and targets specific areas of need within the education system. We will explore the differences between these titles, how schools are utilizing these funds, and ways to reimagine these funds to include technology that improves educational outcomes.

Telehealth: The Future of Funding after COVID-19
Telehealth: The Future of Funding after COVID-19

Telehealth has been around for years, but COVID-19 necessitated the use of telehealth services. Before the pandemic, telehealth was not readily accepted by patients, doctors, administrators, insurance companies, and healthcare regulators. With the advancement of technology, a shortage of healthcare providers, practical experience, demonstrated benefits, and increasing acceptance of telehealth by patients and providers, telehealth and its benefits are here to stay.

Planning for the Upcoming Year in Education Funding
Planning for the Upcoming Year in Education Funding

Now is the time of year for education entities to evaluate their goals and plans for the upcoming year. Think about your plans to support your students, researchers, and the broader community, and look for alignment with any of the priorities described above. Although this is by no means an exhaustive list of the kinds of grant funding that will be available in the coming months, these trends will give you a sense of the types of programs that are likely to be most popular and where you may see absolute or competitive preference priorities for existing annual programs. Start to strategize for where you would like to focus your efforts in 2024 and get started!

Unlocking Grants for Libraries: A Guide to Funding Your Project
Unlocking Grants for Libraries: A Guide to Funding Your Project

Libraries are a vital part of every community. They provide access to information, education, and cultural enrichment. However, many libraries don’t always have the budget to expand their programming to best serve their patrons. Fortunately, there are many funding opportunities available for libraries through grants.

What’s RMUC and How Can Energy Organizations Get Involved?
What’s RMUC and How Can Energy Organizations Get Involved?

When the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law went into effect, the administration placed an emphasis on energy. Since then, various funding has been introduced to help utility companies and organizations in the pursuit of the net-zero carbon economy by 2050 goal. One specific program, the Rural and Municipal Utility Advanced Cybersecurity Grant and Technical Assistance Program, otherwise known as RMUC, received $250 million to disperse to various entities.

Preparing to apply for the COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) Grant
Preparing to apply for the COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) Grant

School safety has been a primary concern for school districts over the past several years. In the wake of tragic events such as the Uvalde school shooting in 2022, K-12 school districts have made it a priority to improve the physical security of their school buildings. However, funding was not always readily available until the Stop School Violence Act of 2018. An important result of this act was the STOP School Violence Prevention Program, or SVPP, a federal grant program that provides K-12 school districts, state and local governments, and Tribes the financial means to improve the physical security of their schools through evidence-based school safety programs and technology. In fiscal year 2023, up to $73 million was available for potential applicants, with future funding available through 2028.

Congressional Earmarks Are Back (For Now): How to Use Them to Fund Your Public Safety Initiatives
Congressional Earmarks Are Back (For Now): How to Use Them to Fund Your Public Safety Initiatives

Congressional earmarks are a controversial topic. Some people believe they are a valuable tool for directing funding for important local priorities, while others think they are a source of corruption, waste, and political gamesmanship.

Critics of earmarks, sometimes conflated with "pork barrel" spending, argue that they can be abused by Members of Congress to steer funding to their own districts, even if the projects are not the most important or deserving. They also argue that earmarks can be a source of corruption, as Members of Congress may be pressured to support earmarks in exchange for campaign donations or other favors.

In determining if your organization wants to take advantage of directed funding, weighing the pros and cons is essential. It is also important to hold Members of Congress accountable for the earmarks they request and ensure that the funds are used for the intended purpose.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Rural and Municipal Utility Advanced Cybersecurity Grant
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Rural and Municipal Utility Advanced Cybersecurity Grant

The Department of Energy will establish the Rural and Municipal Utility Advanced Cybersecurity Grant and Technical Assistance Program to provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats. The objectives of the program are:

  • to deploy advanced cybersecurity technologies for electric utility systems
  • to increase the participation of eligible entities in cybersecurity threat information sharing programs

This three-phase competition will challenge eligible utilities to identify risks and implement solutions to harden their systems against threats and improve their overall cybersecurity posture.


Computer Science for All is a bold initiative to empower all American students from kindergarten through high school to learn computer science and be equipped with the computational thinking skills they need to be creators in the digital economy. A key goal of this program is to provide all U.S. students the opportunity to participate in computer science (CS) and computational thinking (CT) education in their schools at the preK-12 levels. CT refers to the thought processes involved in formulating problems and their solutions in such a way that the solutions can be effectively carried out by an information-processing agent (usually a computer).

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Program

The purpose of the Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) program is to provide rural local educational agencies (LEAs) with financial assistance to fund initiatives aimed at improving student academic achievement.

Transforming Mexico: Federal Programs Pioneering Infrastructure and Technology Advancements (Mexico)
Transforming Mexico: Federal Programs Pioneering Infrastructure and Technology Advancements (Mexico)

Mexico is currently undergoing a significant transformation, with federal programs leading the way for modernized infrastructure and the implementation of new technologies across multiple sectors. With significant investments in roads, railways, ports, telecommunications, and urban development, Mexican society stands to benefit greatly while unlocking significant economic potential.

Empowering Public Health Initiatives: Unlocking BRL 2.2 billion from Brazil's National Health Fund (Brazil)
Empowering Public Health Initiatives: Unlocking BRL 2.2 billion from Brazil's National Health Fund (Brazil)

In the realm of public healthcare in Brazil, the Unified Health System (SUS) is of great significance. Established in 1988, SUS serves as a cornerstone in ensuring that all Brazilians have unfettered access to quality medical care, free of charge. However, SUS does not operate in isolation; it relies on a vital partner, the National Health Fund (FNS).

The Green Municipal Fund: Enabling Communities for Sustainability (Canada)
The Green Municipal Fund: Enabling Communities for Sustainability (Canada)

Canada has long been committed to environmental sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In line with these goals, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) launched the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) in 2000 to help municipalities in the development of thriving communities that benefit people and the environment. Over the past two decades, the GMF has provided funding and support to municipalities across the country, driving innovative projects that address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development.

Knowing the innovation sector in Mexico, the new CONAHCYT (Mexico)
Knowing the innovation sector in Mexico, the new CONAHCYT (Mexico)

In Mexico, innovation, science, and technology are managed and directed by an entity that we know today as the National Council of Humanities, Science, and Technologies (CONAHCYT). Its mission is to promote and strengthen Mexico’s scientific development and technological modernization through training high-level human resources, promoting and supporting specific research projects, and disseminating scientific and technical information for which it manages this year, a budget of MXN$ 35,637,178,522.

Grant Funding for Elections: How to Utilize State and Federal Funding to Improve Physical and Cybersecurity
Grant Funding for Elections: How to Utilize State and Federal Funding to Improve Physical and Cybersecurity

Every year in the United States, citizens cast their ballots for the candidates of their choice in federal, state, and local elections. Voters rely on the security of election infrastructure to ensure that they can cast their votes safely and that all votes will be counted fairly. Unfortunately, physical threats against election workers have increased in the past several years, and more must be done to protect these individuals. Making voting facilities safe is important for workers and members of the public who visit to cast their ballots. In the past, states and local governments have implemented procedures and tools to keep the voting process safe and secure. In addition to physical safety measures like door locks, security cameras, and more, investments have also been made in election IT infrastructure to ensure that election information is safe from breaches and cyber threats. This includes investments in the modernization of voting equipment and election-related computer systems. To make further improvements in physical security and cybersecurity, state and local governments have the opportunity to apply for grant funding through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission

BEAD Allocations Are Here! Now What?
BEAD Allocations Are Here! Now What?

On June 26, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced widely anticipated state allocations for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. The BEAD program is the $42.45 billion broadband grant program created out of bipartisan infrastructure law that was signed into law by President Biden in November 2021. 

Get Involved with Digital Equity Projects
Get Involved with Digital Equity Projects

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law or BIL) has brought unprecedented funding to support broadband initiatives. To go along with that funding, there are also huge investments being made in digital equity efforts. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is distributing this funding through two main programs: the State Digital Equity Grant Program and the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (for more information on this program. Both programs will support digital equity projects that involve a wide range of organizations. With expected deadlines starting in the next several months and continuing over the next few years, now is an exciting time for your organization to participate in these efforts!

Beat the Rush- Planning for grants and the benefits of having “canned” projects
Beat the Rush- Planning for grants and the benefits of having “canned” projects

Many grants- federal, state, and foundation, operate on cycles. Federal and state grants may be one-time, annual, or multi-year grants. Foundations may have one or more application periods per year. Grants may open for short periods or during busy times, leaving applicants with little time to plan, prepare, write, and review the proposal. Learning the funding cycle and application periods for grants of interest is necessary to enable you to apply promptly and budget the time needed to plan and apply when the grant is open.

Upcoming Energy Programs
Upcoming Energy Programs

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act include many opportunities for energy-related grant initiatives. In fact, it is overwhelming to consider the sheer volume of programs made available over the past couple of years and will continue to be created as more information is known. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is the federal grantmaker tasked with administering a number of these research and development, demonstration, and deployment programs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is another popular grantmaker for energy-specific programs. These funds are available to nonprofits, all forms of government agencies, private businesses, and even individuals.

As for the near future, there are three specific programs worth diving a little deeper into, as they either have firm deadlines or are expected to open in the coming weeks. The first comes from the Inflation Reduction Act and more specifically through the USDA.

Looking Beyond the US Department of Education: Top Federal Grants for K-12 Schools
Looking Beyond the US Department of Education: Top Federal Grants for K-12 Schools

Grant-seeking can be an extremely competitive process for K-12 schools, especially if they limit themselves to grants available from their State’s Department of Education or the U.S. Department of Education. To increase the possibilities of success, now is the perfect time to explore various federal grant opportunities outside the Department of Education that could supplement their funding. In this article, I will highlight some federal agencies and grant programs schools can take advantage of from other departments and agencies according to the type of project schools are hoping to fund.

Funding Technology in the Criminal Justice System
Funding Technology in the Criminal Justice System

Technology is used across the criminal justice spectrum to streamline processes, ensure compliance, and protect people and their data. Gone are the days of hand-written police reports faxed to the District Attorney’s office.

We all know how important technology is, but equipment ages, technology advances, and sometimes we don’t know how to fund it. Federal and state grantmakers provide funding to help those working within the criminal justice system keep ahead of the curve or at least keep abreast with it.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Local Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Local Program

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The JAG Program provides states and units of local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education programs, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, crime victim and witness initiatives, and planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. JAG funds may be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, strategic planning, research and evaluation (including forensics), data collection, training, personnel, equipment, forensic laboratories, supplies, contractual support, and criminal justice information systems that will improve or enhance areas such as: law enforcement programs, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education programs, and crime victim and witness programs.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program

The purpose of the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program is to award grants to support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption of broadband among underserved populations. Eligible activities include:

•     Developing and implementing digital inclusion activities that benefit covered populations.
•     Facilitating the adoption of broadband by underserved populations to provide educational and employment opportunities to those populations.
•     Implementing training programs for underserved populations that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills, or other workforce development programs.
•     To make available equipment, instrumentation, networking capability, hardware, software, or digital network technology for broadband services to underserved populations at low or no cost.
•     To construct, upgrade, expand, or operate new or existing public access computing centers for covered populations through community anchor institutions.


GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: 2023 HAVA Election  Security Funds
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: 2023 HAVA Election Security Funds

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 provides payments to states for activities to improve the administration of elections for Federal office, including enhancing election technology and making election security improvements. Consistent with the requirements of HAVA, states may use this funding to

•     Replace voting equipment that only records a voter’s intent electronically with equipment that utilizes a voter-verified paper record.
•     Implement a post-election audit system that provides a high level of confidence in the accuracy of the final vote tally.
•     Upgrade election  related computer systems to address cyber vulnerabilities identified through Department of Homeland Security, or similar scans or assessments of, existing election systems.
•     Facilitate cybersecurity training for the state chief election official’s office and local election officials.
•     Implement established cybersecurity best practices for election systems; and
•     Fund other activities that will improve the security of elections for the Federal office, including physical security services and social media threat monitoring.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Renew America’s Schools Grant
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Renew America’s Schools Grant

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law made a $500 million investment to improve Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities. DOE aims to facilitate substantial additional investment, prioritize schools with high needs, minimize administrative burden, and build enduring capacity in local educational agencies (LEAs) and the states to maximize impact equitably and efficiently.
Through this Renew America’s Schools Program, eligible entities are encouraged to consider projects that enable replicable and scalable impacts, create innovative, sustaining partnerships, leverage funding and economies of scale, target disadvantaged communities, improve student, teacher, and occupant health, enrich learning and growth, target schools that serve as community assets (e.g., neighborhood cooling centers or disaster recovery shelters), can be completed quickly, and are crafted thoughtfully within the context of public-school facilities (e.g., procurement restraints, construction windows, etc.).

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Distance Learning And Telemedicine Program (DLT)
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Distance Learning And Telemedicine Program (DLT)

The Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program is designed to provide access to education, training, and healthcare resources for rural Americans. The DLT program provides financial assistance to encourage and improve telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas using telecommunications, computer networks, and related advanced technologies that students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents can use. Grants may fund telecommunications-enabled information, audio and video equipment, and related advanced technologies that extend educational and medical applications into rural areas. Grants are intended to benefit end users in rural areas, who are often not in the same location as the educational or health care service source.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: State And Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: State And Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)

Funding from the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) helps eligible entities address cybersecurity risks and threats to information systems owned or operated by—or on behalf of—state, local, and territorial (SLLT) governments. The Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law requires grant recipients to develop a Cybersecurity Plan, establish a Cybersecurity Planning Committee to support development of the Plan, and identify projects to implement utilizing SLCGP funding. To support these efforts, recipients are highly encouraged to prioritize the following activities, all of which are statutorily required as a condition of receiving a grant:

•     Developing the Cybersecurity Plan.
•     Implementing or revising the Cybersecurity Plan.
•     Paying expenses directly relating to the administration of the grant, which cannot exceed 5% of the amount of the grant award.
•     Assisting with allowed activities that address imminent cybersecurity threats confirmed by DHS; and 
•     Other appropriate activities as noted in the funding notice.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Cops School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP)
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Cops School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP)

The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (STOP School Violence Act of 2018) gave the COPS Office authority to provide awards to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the jurisdiction of the grantee through evidence-based school safety programs.
Anticipated outcomes of SVPP awards include improved information sharing with local law enforcement; increased interaction and improved communications between law enforcement and school officials; reduced notification times to law enforcement; improved response time to threats and events; accurate identification of danger and follow-up; increased knowledge of and use of community policing principles; and increased school safety and sustainability planning efforts. In FY2023, funding will be available for the following school safety measures:

•     Acquisition and installation of technology for expedited notification to law enforcement during an emergency.
•     Coordination with local law enforcement.
•     Placement and use of metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures.
•     Training for local law enforcement officers to prevent school violence.
•     Any other measure that the COPS Office Director determines may provide a significant security improvement.

How does the tender system work in Mexico? (Mexico)
How does the tender system work in Mexico? (Mexico)

Tenders in Mexico are processes that allow the State to cover its operational needs and comply with the transparency standards requested by the international community. Government acquisitions, leases, services, and public works are carried out through a process in which government agencies hire suppliers to meet the goals and objectives of the budgetary programs.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)

The Department of Justice Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) was released on Friday, June 30th.

The JAG program is the primary grant funding provider for an array of initiatives across the criminal justice spectrum. Areas supported include law enforcement, courts and corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, victim and witness support, and technology improvement programs.

ESPORTS: Funding Opportunities and Challenges
ESPORTS: Funding Opportunities and Challenges

Esports are hugely popular; current projections show that there will soon be 30 million monthly esports viewers. The National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) currently lists nearly 200 colleges and universities with varsity esports programs, and many more schools have club teams or curricular esports programs. K-12 organizations are increasingly getting involved with esports as well. 

SMART: What’s Been Funded Thus Far
SMART: What’s Been Funded Thus Far

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act introduced many new grant programs when passed in late 2021. These initiatives ranged from broadband and electric charging to major clean energy and water infrastructure. A handful of these funding projects are classified as smart city adjacent, but one specific program, Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation, or SMART, is the definition of a smart city grant.

Make the Case for Extended Learning Time: 21st CCLC Preparation
Make the Case for Extended Learning Time: 21st CCLC Preparation

The past few years have presented several challenges for K-12 school districts across the country. Many districts reported lower test scores, mental health challenges, attendance issues, and technological shortcomings because of the disruption to learning caused by COVID-19. These challenges present complex issues that demand careful attention, but many teachers appropriately feel the school day is just too short, and school leaders find it difficult to parse out one issue from another and address them accordingly.

Exploring State Grant Programs for Higher Education: Funding Opportunities and Application Procedures
Exploring State Grant Programs for Higher Education: Funding Opportunities and Application Procedures

State grants for higher education are an important source of funding for colleges and universities to provide financial assistance to students pursuing post-secondary education. In addition to grants for students, state grant programs may also provide institutions with funding to support programs, initiatives, and research. In this article, we will explore the state grants available for higher education institutions to apply for.

Trends in Higher Education Funding
Trends in Higher Education Funding

Institutes of higher education have a wide variety of grant programs available to support efforts on campus. Many different federal, state, and foundation funding sources focus either specifically on higher education or fund higher education projects as part of their larger grant funding priorities. Broadly speaking, this funding for higher education predominantly falls within three categories: student learning outcomes, workforce development, and faculty research. These major types of funding programs have remained relatively consistent over the last few decades. However, within these categories, specific funding priorities tend to shift due to political and cultural priorities. Read on for a deep dive into five of the current major funding trends in higher education.

GRANT STRATEGY: Foundation Grants: An Overlooked Opportunity
GRANT STRATEGY: Foundation Grants: An Overlooked Opportunity

Have you been searching high and low for funding for your latest program or project? What about looking into foundation grants! With over 76,000 foundations in the United States and an estimated $47 billion given away each year, the money you need may be right under your nose.

GRANT STRATEGY: Understanding the Four Types of Federal Grant Funding
GRANT STRATEGY: Understanding the Four Types of Federal Grant Funding

Investments in federal grants have increased considerably over the past several years, particularly with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Knowing how to navigate the current grant funding landscape can be a challenge, and understanding how grant funds are awarded can help organizations when they decide to apply for grant funding. There are four main types of grant funding at the federal level: competitive grants, pass-through grants, formula grants, and continuation grants.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE): Directorate for STEM Education
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE): Directorate for STEM Education

ELIGIBILITY: The program is open to application from all institutions of higher education and associated organizations.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Program

ELIGIBILITY: Eligible lead applicants are Nonprofit Organizations, Labor Unions, Labor-Management Organizations, and Worker Organizations, Education/Training Provider(s), Workforce Development Entities, Economic Development Agencies, and Native American Tribal Governments.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)

ELIGIBILITY: Awards are made to State Education Agencies (SEAs). Local education agencies (LEAs) and nonprofit organizations may apply to states for subgrants.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant

ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are: (A) A State; (B) a political subdivision of a State; (C) a Tribal government; (D) a public transit agency or authority; (E) a public toll authority; (F) a metropolitan planning organization; and (G) a group of 2 or more eligible entities described.

GRANT STRATEGY: Tips for Building Competitive Grant Applications
GRANT STRATEGY: Tips for Building Competitive Grant Applications

Applying for grants to support infrastructure development and innovative solutions to meet the needs of communities can be a challenging process with strict requirements and intense competition. To improve your chances of success, you must create an outstanding application that showcases your proposal's strengths while adhering to the application guidelines. The following tips provide valuable insight into preparing an effective grant application that stands out.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Bringing Online Opportunities to Texas (BOOT) Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Bringing Online Opportunities to Texas (BOOT) Program

Eligible applicants are:

  • political subdivisions of the State;
  • commercial broadband service providers;
  • non-commercial broadband service providers; and
  • partnerships between political subdivisions, commercial broadband service providers, noncommercial broadband service providers or any combination thereof that are also not otherwise considered disqualified from participation in the program.
The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

Cybercrimes against local governments, public safety agencies, and schools are becoming more frequent and destructive. As a result, these attacks can lead to monetary loss and the theft of critical data. Criminals are targeting large cities, county governments, and even small towns in rural areas of the country. In response to the increase in these attacks, the Federal government is encouraging local leaders to take action by utilizing federal and state grant funds to prepare for and prevent ransomware attacks and hackers.

New HUD Programs: A Focus on Affordable Housing and Houselessness
New HUD Programs: A Focus on Affordable Housing and Houselessness

The Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) PRICE has a goal to preserve and revitalize manufactured housing. Administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), these funds will be disbursed as competitive grants to various entities with grantees having to provide at least a 50 percent match.

Public Safety Budget Analysis and Forecast for 2023
Public Safety Budget Analysis and Forecast for 2023

The two primary federal funding agencies for public safety initiatives are the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. A review of the FY 2023 Federal Budget provides a glimpse into what these agencies will prioritize in the coming year.

What the 2023 Federal Budget Means for Education
What the 2023 Federal Budget Means for Education

With the passing of the Fiscal Year 2023 budget, the US Department of Education was allocated approximately 83.5 billion: an increase of $3.4 billion from FY22. Similarly, to FY22, Congress opted to allocate additional monies to many well-known programs housed under the Department of Education, instead of creating new funding programs.

Game-Based Learning: A New Priority for K-12 Grants
Game-Based Learning: A New Priority for K-12 Grants

School-aged children and gaming have become ubiquitous; casual and competitive gaming is a part of nearly every school-aged child’s daily activity. According to Pew Internet and American Life Project, about 99% of boys and 94% of girls play digital games about 7-10 hours per week.[1] These figures are not a surprise for anyone that regularly interacts with children and educators have long-ago incorporated games within their classrooms. Many schools across the country have set up after-school gaming clubs, integrated games like Minecraft or Roblox into their STEM coursework, or have developed Esports teams that compete in interscholastic leagues. At a time when student engagement and enrollment are down, many educational institutions are turning to game-based learning (GBL) to re-connect with students and equip them with the skills needed to tackle 21st century challenges.


[1] Homer, Kinzer, and Plass, “Foundations of Game Based Learning,” 258.

Get Grant-Ready for Broadband Funding Opportunities
Get Grant-Ready for Broadband Funding Opportunities

Access to the internet is critical for so many daily activities (such as reading this article, for instance). The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, recognizes the importance of broadband for Americans and provides significant funding to implement solutions. Through the Internet for All initiative, this funding is being distributed to states, territories, and other eligible recipients through various grant programs. Even before IIJA, federal agencies such as the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture were and continue to fund broadband grant programs. States have also started to make their own contributions to broadband efforts. Now is a great time to be pursuing grant funding for your broadband projects.

Career and Technical Education Explained
Career and Technical Education Explained

Approximately 12.3 million students across the US are enrolled in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. CTE programs vary by institution, but the overarching purpose is to provide students with the academic and technical skills needed to succeed in an emerging career field. The Department of Education established a list of 16 career fields, referred to as career clusters, representing up to 79 different career pathways. These different pathways allow students to explore a career cluster of interest while also learning employability skills that complement their academic studies. CTE evolved from vocational education, which focused on an isolated elective with specific job training associated, to be more academically rigorous and integrated within other programs of study in comprehensive high schools, technical centers, and community colleges. Read on for a description of the common elements that make CTE programs successful, a high level overview of the funding landscape, and to learn how CTE programs function within different institutional settings.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Community Connect Grant Program
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Community Connect Grant Program

ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants include:

  • Incorporated organizations
  • Federally recognized Tribes
  • State and local units of government
  • Any other legal entity, including cooperatives, private corporations, or limited liability companies organized on a for-profit or not-for-profit basis.
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Strengthening Community College Training Grants
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Strengthening Community College Training Grants

ELIGIBILITY: The eligible lead applicant must be a community college that is a public institution of higher education as defined in Section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act and whose most common degree awarded is an associate degree.

GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)
GRANT PROGRAM SNAPSHOT: Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)

ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are federally recognized Indian Tribes (or a consortium of Indian Tribes).